
济南华维数控主要生产制造数控木工雕刻机,石材雕刻机,广告雕刻机,激光雕刻机,等离子切割机,刻字机等数控设备!公司致力于雕刻机技术开发及应用数十载,拥有丰富精湛的行业技术! 华维数控坚持“以人为本”的理念,积极为员工提供广阔的发展平台,不断完善公司的评价体系、激励机制和培训制度。经过近十年发展公司由一个默默无闻的公司跃居为一个知各公司。销量和市场占有率均名列前茅。华维数控已成为国内较大的广告设备制造销售企业之一,广告设备制造行业的龙头企业。 公司自成立以来以过硬的产品质量,优良的运作方式及完善的售后服务赢得了各层次用户的信任,在业界获得了较高的声誉和知名度。 产品已被广泛应用于广告业、工艺礼品及木器加工、装饰装潢、服装、包装印刷、印染、标识、印章等多种行业;并由于其鲜明的性价比而在国内的各个应用领域已完全替代进口的同类产品。我们的产品不仅遍布全国,而且部分产品远销东南亚、欧美等地。 公司以开发、创新为理念,客户至上为宗旨,遵循“质量就是生命”的原则,追求卓越、不断进取、积极开拓国内外市场,诚信敬业,争创业界名牌。 Jinan Hua NC manufacturing CNC woodworking engraving machine, engraving machines, advertising engraving machine, laser engraving machine, plasma cutting machine, engraving machine such as CNC equipment! The company is committed to carving machine technology development and application for decades, has a wealth of superb technology industry! Hua NC adhering to the “people-oriented” concept, to provide staff with a broad development platform, and constantly improve the companys evaluation system, incentive mechanism and training system. After nearly ten years of development the company by an unknown to the public company in a knowledge of the company. Sales and market share have come out in front. Hua NC has become a large advertising equipment manufacturing sales companies, advertising equipment manufacturing industry enterprises. Since the establishment of the company to perfect the quality of products, good mode of operation and perfect after sale service has won the trust of users at all levels, in the industry won a high reputation and visibility. Products have been widely used in the advertising industry, craft gifts and wood processing, decoration, clothing, packaging and printing, dyeing and printing, sign, seal and other industries; and cost-effective because of its distinctive and in various domestic applications have completely replace imported similar products. Our products not only throughout the country, and some products are exported to Southeast Asia, Europe and the United States and other places. Company to the development, the concept of innovation, the customer first for the purpose, follow the “quality is life “ principle, the pursuit of excellence, continuous improvement, and actively develop domestic and foreign markets, sincere dedication, striving for world famous brand.
公司名称: 济南华维数控机械有限公司
公司类型: 制造商,贸易商
所 在 地: 济南
注册资本: 52万人民币
注册年份: 2010
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营模式: 制造商,贸易商
经营范围: 石材雕刻机 木工雕刻机 玉石雕刻机 砚台雕刻机 工艺品雕刻机 激光雕刻机 等离子切割机
销售的产品: 石材雕刻厂 木工雕刻厂 广告店
企业编号: 1193318
环球贸易网 产品 供应 公司 求购 展会 资讯