

HEFEI NATURALL DEVELOPMENT CO.,LTD. is a professional manufacturer and exporter of different roasted nuts in China, With more than 20 years experiences in such area, It enjoys high reputation from customers of all over the world.

Our main products are all kinds of roasted nuts and seeds. With professional skills, efficiency and trustfulness, we have founded a good relationship with customers from Europe, North America and the middle east.

We have established our own R&D Dept. to continually come up with new products trend to meet our consumers' demands and continually enhance our products quality.
Currently our company have certified HACCP, KOSHER and BRC.

Our mission is to provide quality products with our professional skill to meet customers’ demands.

  • 联系人:天虹
  • 电话:86-02157154835
  • 地址:中国安徽合肥市蜀山区高新区望江西路539号鲲鹏国际广场3幢501室
  • 邮件:info@cnsp.cn
  • 手机:13601741340
  • 传真:86-579-85261900
  • 商铺:http://hfmjmyfz.china.herostart.com
公司名称: 合肥麦吉贸易发展有限公司
公司类型: 企业单位 经销批发
所 在 地: 合肥
公司规模: 0人
注册资本: 50万人民币
注册年份: 2007
法人代表: 曾强
营业执照号码: 340106000002557
发证机关: 合肥市工商行政管理局
核准日期: 2015-04-10 00:00:00
经营状态: 存续
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营模式: 经销批发
经营范围: 自营和代理各类商品及技术的进出口业务(国家限定经营或禁止的除外);日用品、文体用品、纺织品、服装、家电、灯具、五金工具、机械设备、工艺美术品、农副产品(除粮油)销售;商务中介服
销售的产品: 葵花子 ; 花生 ; 杏仁 ; 豆类
企业编号: 22148381
环球贸易网 产品 供应 公司 求购 展会 资讯